Jiawen Stefanie Zhu

HCI Research | CS @ UWaterloo

Hello! I'm a undergraduate researcher in the Waterloo Visualization research group, advised by Dr. Jian Zhao. In Fall 2024, I will join the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington as a Ph.D. Student to work with Dr. Katharina Reinecke and Dr. Tanu Mitra.

I mainly conduct research in the fields of
Human-Computer Interaction
. My broad research interest lies in designing and analyzing intelligent interactive technology that can increase the effectiveness of
Human-Human and Human-AI communication and collaboration
. In the past, I have also contributed to projects concerning Programming Tools, Affecting Computing, and Virtual Reality.

In my spare time, I like to hike, read, and practice martial arts. I'm also interested in linguistics, and enjoy exploring and comparing different languages.


2024-05 Attending CHI’24 to present work on computational notebooks at the 1st ACM CHI Workshop on Human-Notebook Interactions. One co-authored paper on emotional teasers was also accepted.
2024-01 Received the CRA 2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award - Honorable Mention.